Dhekra Khelifi: “216 Capital Ventures Aims to Be the Fund That Supports African Entrepreneurs Disrupting the African Continent”

Tell us about your fund, 216 Capital
It's a seed fund that caters to a very local need. Startups that have managed to raise funds in foreign currencies since 2013 (Editor's note: implementation of the Startup Act) have done so with foreign funds. We want to intervene at this level. At this pre-seed stage to help them go international. We want to be the fund that aligns with African entrepreneurs who are disrupting the African continent.
Tell us about your recent operations: Overall, what drives your investments? What is your strategy?
We started investing in August 2022, through a fund of 10 million euros. Thanks to this innovation in Tunisian regulation, we can invest in foreign currencies. We are addressing this issue. The average ticket size is around 250,000 euros. We don't necessarily focus on the sector, but we are very focused on technology. We have made investments in very diverse sectors, in e-health, logistics, fintech, energy... The last two operations were carried out in Senegalese startups Logidoo and ProXalys. Since August 2022, we have been able to invest in 15 startups from different countries, but also in the diaspora, African project holders. We have funded their startups to help them establish themselves on the continent. In total, we have invested 3 million euros in these 15 startups.
Our vision is to position ourselves as a player in early-stage financing for these African project holders and the diaspora and to develop local tech ecosystems. To do this, we have co-invested with Moroccan, Senegalese funds, and why not tomorrow with Algerian and others…
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